Countries through which the equator passes (red) and the Prime Merdian too(blue) Wikipedia |
In Ecuador, about one person in 2,000 is infected with the virus and more than 400 have died, something very shocking in a small country of only 16 million inhabitants. Guayaquil is its most affected city, where people are even dying on the streets. It is believed that the virus came from Spain, since there are a lot of Ecuadorians living there and many travel back and forth. Brazil, one of the most populated countries in the world, is the epicenter of the pandemic in the region, with more than 2,000 dead. Some criticize the Brazilian president because, according to them, he is not doing enough to mitigate the contagion. Colombia is considered to be one of the countries with lower contagion rates in the region. Less than 4,000 people have been infected and only about 150 have died. This country has a 48-million population. The low rate may be due to the country-wide quarantine imposed by the national government, through a State of Economy, Social and Environmental Emergency. But the situation here is as critical as it is in other countries. Many people have lost their jobs and some are even starving. The national and local governments are trying to help people out, but they have not been able to do it for everyone. There are people who work on the street and since they are not allowed to go out, they do not have any income. Although the situation is bad, Colombia has not been hit like other countries. Many in the region have learned from what has happened in China, Iran, Europe and the United States, so they have taken steps in prevention and sought a quick solution to the virus upon arrival. Either way, there is still much to do.
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