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The Reencounters Man

There is a man who has been able to reencounter more than 11,000 people by using his built up searching skills. He has given all those people incalculable happiness by finding relatives who had been missing for years, even decades, and some times forgotten. Thanks to him there has been people who have had the chance of dying peacefully once they  found the person he or she had been looking for for long time.

His name is Alejandro Muñoz, a Colombian journalist, and most of the people who he has reencountered are Colombian too. He has also done it with people in othe countries, especially for those children who have been adopted and later wanted to find their biological parents. It happens on the contrary too, there have been parents who wanted to reencounter with the children they have given in adoption. Either way, it is a difficuld and complex task since neither part has any information about the other.

In order to fullfil this task Alejandro created 15 years ago the Foundation For The Reencounter in Colombia, which he manages and operates himself. Through a website and a telephone number those who want to reencounter with somebody can contact Alejandro and let him know his or her particular case. Cases which, in Alejandro's words, many of them are so complex and even weird that movies and soup operas scripts could be written based on them. Here we can say reality exceeds fiction.

Everything started in 1986, when Alejandro, recently graduated, began working as a TV journalist and his father, a former police sergeant, asked him to help to find the old man's brother, who had been missing for decades. Based on the scarced information provided by his father, sucha as name and ID number, Alejandro managed to search in Colombia's National Civil Registry, the Office of the Attorney General and the National Police and finally found his uncle. This broght a lot of happines to his father and the rest of the family. At that moment Alejandro realized he was able to do that and to give that kind of happines to people.

Almost simultaniously the foundation Les Adoptés d'Amerique Latine was establish in France. There they listen, orientate, educate and guide the children who have been adopted in Europe, regarding their anguish of loking for their biological relatives in Latin America. 

His job has been so successful that 19 years ago he produced and hosted his own TV show in a natonal-wide channel. Almost all the Colombian Media have published news, articles, stories and interviews about his work and later did the Hispanic Media in the United States, such the two main TV channels Univision y Telemundo. He has also been awarded with some prizes and recognitions but, according to him, the best reward he could win is the laughing and the tears of happiness of the people he reencounter.

Now the foundation has arrived in The United States, where it was named The International Foundation For The Reencaunter, FIPER for its acronym in Spanish, with the goal of reencounter those who have left their relatives and friend in their birth countries when migrating. The foundation is based in the Miami Metroplolitan Area and it has recently obtained its register name. Alejandro himself is managing and operating this new branch and due to this he now lives there. 

In this way Alejandro Muñoz has been a kind of an angel of salvation for those thousands of people who have started a new life with old new relatives and friends in their lives. The task has been as hard as steel but Alejandro thinks it is worth, even though he knows he needs more help since the work increases as the demand does. People needs are the reason and the fuel for Alejandro and he certainly knows  there are too much to do and he is definitely working on that.   

If you want to find a missing person in Latin America or want to contribute to the foundations, visit the website, email Alejandro Muñoz or call him in the US (305) 748-7215.


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