There is a man who has been able to reencounter more than 11,000 people by using his built up searching skills. He has given all those people incalculable happiness by finding relatives who had been missing for years, even decades, and some times forgotten. Thanks to him there has been people who have had the chance of dying peacefully once they found the person he or she had been looking for for long time. His name is Alejandro Muñoz , a Colombian journalist, and most of the people who he has reencountered are Colombian too. He has also done it with people in othe countries, especially for those children who have been adopted and later wanted to find their biological parents. It happens on the contrary too, there have been parents who wanted to reencounter with the children they have given in adoption. Either way, it is a difficuld and complex task since neither part has any information about the other. In order to fullfil this task Alejandro created 15 years ago the Foundati...
Opinion blog from Colombia to the world.