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Today the negociation table for the peace talks between the Colombian Government and FARC was set. Talks that mean a new hope for Colombians to achieve peace after almost 50 years of war by FARC.
The Revolucionary Armed Forces of Colombian was born in 1964 after an alleged election fraud that kept the then two-party government, established 6 years before, known as the National Front that used to take turns in the country's precidency. Since then the FARC has been fighting a guerilla war againt the on-duty goverment that has left thousands of victims. What is going on in Colombia?
In my opinion, the negociation will not be easy since the parts have desires totally opposed. The Goverment wants the guerrilla to stop the fight and release the kidnapped ones, among other things, and in the other hand, the FARC wants a total change of the social, political and economical system of Colombia.
Most of Colombians, if you had the chance of doing a survey, support Goverment instead FARC since the majority thinks that the guerrilla is a terrorist group which has lost its ideals. If there is a battlefield where Goverment beats FARC, it is the Media, which most of it belongs to the political and economical powers of Colombia. The media that shapes the public opinion of the country.
I, in the same way as a great majority of Colombia desire peace and equality for all Colombians. In which it is necessesary a farewell to arms But it is also necessary a fair government with social justice in a country where everyone has opportunities regardless its background. That is the only way in which peace would be achieved!
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