A group of Colombians who live in Bogota organized through the social networking websites Facebook and Twitter a march for today in order to demostrate against the president of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, because of his repeated interventions in the Colombian political, economical and social affairs. In fact, they are many marchs hold in more than 100 cities of more than 30 countries of the five continents. Something more or less like the March Against FARC made in last year's Febraury. The march was named "Chavez No More"
In the last days, Chávez kept on giving his opinion about the Agreement of Military Cooperation signed between Colombia and the United States, even when he atended, as the other twelve presidents of the South American countries, the last UNASUR's (Union of South American Nations) summit in Argentina a week ago where the topic was discussed. He did not say anything remarkable there but as soon as he got back in his country he started to blame Colombian president, Alvaro Uribe, again and even he asserted that his socialist politics must spread out to Colombia. This last act caused many reactions from many Colombian sectors, which some of them did not stand the situation anymore and decided to organaize the marchs.
Today Chavez says that he does not care about the marchs but he thinks that they are a stupid thing. Let's see how the marchs go. At the time I am writing this article they seem to be successful.
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